24 h blood pressure monitoring - prices

Blood pressure monitoring 24 h 60,00 EUR

24 h blood pressure monitoring

24 h blood pressure monitoring with a SunTech (USA) device is a modern and efficient examination method that allows one to detect the fluctuations of blood pressure during the day. The examination is performed under normal daily life conditions, including physical exercise, emotional stress and while at rest. Thus, the measurements cover a longer period of time than simple blood pressure measurement.

Duration of the examination

To perform comprehensive measurements, the monitoring of blood pressure lasts for 24 hours.


No preliminary preparation is required.


The monitoring procedure is safe and absolutely painless.


There are no limitations for the performance of this examination.


The monitoring is performed in daily life conditions, including physical exercise, emotional stress and while at rest.


The information obtained over a period of 24 hours is analysed by the physician in order to make a conclusion.


Diagnostic principles

On the day of the consultation, a cuff is placed on the upper arm of the person to perform blood pressure measurements and the device performs periodic blood pressure measurements on the upper arm of the person for 24 hours. A portable device, which can be easily attached, for instance to the waist, records the measurements for 24 hours. The person may follow through their daily routine, including physical exercise etc. After 24 hours, the patient must arrive for a visit in order to remove the cuff and the recording device, as well as to enable the physician to draw up their opinion, considering the recorded measurements.

Symptoms that may point to the presence of arterial hypertension

  • headaches;
  • vertigo;
  • fatigue;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness.

When 24 h blood pressure monitoring is recommended

  • Blood pressure is constantly or variably elevated, irrespective of physical activity.
  • Causes of arterial hypertension are unclear.
  • There are regular fluctuations of blood pressure.
  • Arterial hypertension has been detected during pregnancy.
  • Recurring or constant pain in the area of the heart.
  • Vertigo of unclear origin and episodes of unconsciousness.
  • Fatigue in the mornings or increased fatigue during the day.
  • Dyspnoea.
  • Arrhythmia when under physical or emotional load.
  • If the effect of medications on blood pressure changes it must be monitored.
  • If you wish to perform preventive testing.

Arterial hypertension

Diagnosis of arterial hypertension is becoming more common nowadays. Unfortunately, even young patients tend to have elevated blood pressure.

Normally blood pressure in humans changes depending on physical load – during physical exercise the blood pressure increases, however, there are people, who have constantly or variably elevated blood pressure irrespective of physical load.

Arterial hypertension is also common in pregnant women. It is especially important to maintain normal blood pressure during pregnancy.

Research has proven that untreated elevated blood pressure may cause complications – chronic heart failure, stroke or damage to other organs – thus endangering human health and life and therefore, long-term monitoring of blood pressure is a very important examination.

Prompt diagnosis of arterial hypertension

To promptly detect elevated blood pressure, regular visits to the general practitioner are recommended; if the general practitioner has a suspicion of arterial hypertension, they will refer the patient for additional examinations.

There are several causes of elevated blood pressure. In order to find out the exact cause in each particular case and, thus, ensure the most efficient therapy, the physician may prescribe an additional diagnostic method – 24 hour long monitoring of blood pressure.

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