
Cardiologist: Consultations and examinations in Riga

Does your heart worry you? It is about time to see a cardiologist!

Highly qualified cardiologist in Riga, Brīvības gatve 410, at GK Neiroklīnika.

Cardiovascular diseases are very characteristic of our century. They have many causes – stress, sedentary lifestyle and inappropriate diet, various unhealthy habits… Besides, an increasing number of young people complain of heart problems. Ignoring the signals sent by the heart is the biggest mistake of any age, as they can be an indication of more serious problems, therefore a cardiologist’s visit is one that should not be postponed.

The heart is not a joke

People tend to complain of prolonged overload and stress, often not only resulting in high blood pressure but also in elevated cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It is also affected by lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, weight gain. Everyone seems to know it, but in the rush of life, it is ignored, even when shortness of breath and palpitations occur. Heart disease is a serious risk, and a visit to a cardiologist can significantly improve your quality of life or even save your life. What is a cardiologist exactly? It is a specialist whose field of expertise is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart diseases.

Don’t wait and apply for a consultation with a cardiologist at GK Neiroklīnika. The best specialists in Latvia work with us – including the best cardiologists.

Consultation with a cardiologist

Be sure to see a cardiologist to check your heart health if you have complaints about:

  • disturbing pain in the heart area;
  • heart palpitations;
  • prolonged high blood pressure;
  • shortness of breath even with light exercise;
  • fainting during increased physical activity.

A cardiologist’s visit should also not be postponed if your GP, based on observations and tests, recommends this due to a heart noise and increased heart rate, enlarged liver, fast respiration, and your complaints of increased sweating and fatigue, even after light exercise.

Consultation with a cardiologist is also necessary, even in the absence of the abovementioned complaints, if there are factors that indicate a serious risk to heart health:

  • electrocardiogram shows heart rhythm disorders;
  • family members have had heart problems that have led to the sudden death of a person;
  • to choose the most appropriate treatment after heart surgery or other manipulation. Early treatment is vital for cardiovascular diseases. Sometimes even little changes in the daily routines and diet are enough to improve the condition. This will be decided by the doctor, who will also choose the most appropriate treatment if necessary.

To take care of your heart in due time, it is important to:

  • check your blood pressure at least once a year and inform your doctor in the case of deviations;
  • regularly check the level of lipids and cholesterol in the blood, the changes of which are often not even noticeable, but can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • follow the principles of a healthy diet.

Cardiologist and cardiologist’s consultations in Riga, Brīvības gatve 410.

Cardiologist’s field of expertise

During the consultation, the cardiologist will ask about your complaints, examine, and refer to additional tests or look at the test results, if you have done them in advance, therefore always take previous tests and examination results with you. Nowadays extensive diagnostic options are possible, most of which are available at our clinic on site:

  • Electrocardiogram;
  • Holter monitoring or 24 to 168 hour-long electrocardiogram recording;
  • ultrasound examination – echocardiography: ultrasound method for determination of the heart size, examination of valves and walls, as well as the functional state of the heart;
  • continuous 24 h blood pressure recording with “SunTech” blood pressure monitoring device (USA).

In complicated cases, your cardiologist will also refer you for other examinations to obtain the most accurate information about your heart health.
Once all examinations will be completed, the cardiologist will diagnose the disease and its severity and will prescribe the most appropriate treatment plan for you. The specialist will also inform you about the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and recommend the preferred daily activities and diet.

In chronic heart disease, not only the heart but also cerebral blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and other organs are often affected, therefore our cardiologists work closely with other specialists to ensure that the treatment is as effective as possible and, if necessary, will invite recognised specialists to assist in your treatment: neurologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, nephrologist, physiotherapist, or nutritionist.

Our clinic employs high-level specialists with many years of experience. They have trained with the best experts in the field and are constantly improving their skills, as well as using the most modern diagnostic and treatment equipment and technologies. Our specialists want to give you the best of what they have learnt during their long working years!

Highly qualified cardiologist in Riga, Brīvības gatve 410 – GK Neiroklīnika.

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