
Neurosurgeon - prices

First consultation of a Dr Med. neurosurgeon, 20 – 30 min. 70,00 EUR
Repeated consultation of a Dr Med. neurosurgeon (within a period of 2 months), 20 min. 65,00 EUR
Nerve block (including material and medication costs) 65,00 EUR
Therapeutic epidural block (including material and medication costs) 90,00 EUR

Neurosurgeon: consultations and examinations

Neurosurgeon: specialist of a wide range of neurological disorders

Highly qualified neurosurgeon in Riga is not far away – call us – GK Neiroklīnika

Tingling in the arms? Buzzing in the ears? Does your back hurt? Are you feeling dizzy? There are many symptoms regarding which one should see a neurosurgeon, and they can be signs of a serious illness, therefore the consultation with a doctor should not be postponed.

Neurosurgeon: a versatile assistant

Neurosurgeon: a versatile assistant on the way to full health

A neurosurgeon helps people with serious nervous system diseases such as brain or spinal cord injury, spinal disc herniation, neuralgia, and other disorders. The help can be of a surgical nature or also completely different. The neurosurgeon will diagnose the disease using the most modern methods and technologies, as well as select the most appropriate treatment and follow its progress, if necessary, revising the treatment. The specialist will also assist in the rehabilitation phase and recommend preventive measures to improve and stabilise the situation.

Neurosurgical assistance

A neurosurgeon will help in the following cases:

  • history of loss of consciousness, tinnitus, headaches, impaired perception and coordination following a brain or spinal cord injury;
  • after an intracerebral haemorrhage;
  • if blood clots have been found which may cause a stroke;
  • if cerebrovascular neoplasms, including aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations, are diagnosed;
  • brain or spinal canal tumour;
  • neuralgia;
  • spinal disc herniation;
  • diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • peripheral neuralgia;
  • back pain;
  • frequent tingling of the arms.

Modern solutions

Highly qualified neurosurgeon in Riga and modern solutions for greater comfort

Often, surgical intervention is not needed to prevent back or neck pain, as well as other types of pain. Sometimes physiotherapy or physical therapy is enough, other times medication is needed. Modern medical methods allow one to effectively help with minimally invasive procedures, such as blockade or administration of a drug in the affected region.

Minimally invasive surgical equipment and technologies have undergone rapid development in recent years, including the widespread use of laser technology, focal radiation, fine-cutting medical devices, stents, neuronavigation, and many other methods effectively used by our clinicians to keep up to date and improve industry knowledge and skills to achieve the maximum effect – significant improvements in health, which is also the key quality of life.

If necessary, different methods are also combined to achieve the maximum effect. An exact treatment plan can only be developed by a neurosurgeon based on the diagnosis and overall health. If surgery is required after all, the neurosurgeon will advise you on the needed procedure and the course of it in detail. Only with the patient’s consent, will the physician settle the operation, which is often possible in a day hospital. Also in the postoperative period, the neurosurgeon will be a safe ally, who will monitor your health, offer the most appropriate rehabilitation for your case, and recommend the best treatment for your condition.

If the neurosurgeon thinks it is necessary to perform additional examinations or treatment during the treatment process, he or she will also involve specialists from other fields to take full account of all factors and offer the most effective assistance. This could be a traumatologist and vascular surgeon, or a neurophysiologist, physiotherapist or other professional in their field.

Thanks to the active development of science, the help of a neurosurgeon is becoming more and more gentle day by day, and it is also possible to treat cases that were considered incurable a few years ago. However, only consult a knowledgeable specialist. The doctors of our clinic are acquainted with the latest technological nuances and medical knowledge to help you on the way to the most precious gem – your health.

Highly qualified neurosurgeon in Riga, Brīvības gatve 410 – GK Neiroklīnika

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