
Neurotologist in Riga: consultations and examinations

Doctor specialising in dizziness or neuro-otology specialist

Are you feeling dizzy? There is a reason to take this symptom seriously and seek help. Older people in particular come to terms with the feeling of dizziness as normal for their age, even though dizziness is a health risk and can be treated. There are many causes of dizziness. The most accurate cause will be determined by a doctor who specialises in both neurology and otorhinolaryngology – a neuro-otology specialist. This specialist will also provide the best help.

Neuro-otology specialist

Visit a neuro-otology specialist

It is only natural to climb off the merry-go-round and seek support so as not to fall, but if this feeling occurs for no apparent reason, there is cause for concern. Dizziness usually gives the feeling that the surrounding objects or the person are turning, swinging or falling. It is often accompanied by other unpleasant sensations: nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, tinnitus, hearing loss. For some, the attack only lasts a few moments, for others it can last for hours and even days.

Dizziness, from the Latin – vertigo, is a balance disorder that is not a disease itself but a symptom of various diseases. It can be caused by imbalance, but it can also be caused by cardiovascular disease, brain disorders, eye damage, poisoning, neurosis and other serious illnesses.

Dizziness and balance

Dizziness is most often associated with a sense of balance provided by the inner ear, our organ of balance. It has a very complicated and subtle structure. When small calcium carbonate crystals enter the vestibular apparatus, it receives erroneous signals, which causes a shift in the perception of reality and, consequently, a feeling of instability.

Due to its sophisticated design, the vestibular apparatus helps us keep our balance when dancing or crossing a footbridge, but it can also be worrying. Many people have complaints of dizziness, but only a few see a doctor. Since there can be many reasons, the real cause can only be determined by a specialist. The consultation should not be delayed, especially if dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms.

Seek medical attention immediately if dizziness is accompanied by:

  • severe headache;
  • hearing impairment;
  • vision impairment and image doubling;
  • difficulty speaking;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • difficulty walking, sagging arms and legs;
  • numbness or tingling in any part of the body;
  • pain in the chest and heart problems.

Consultation with a neuro-otology specialist

Description of the consultation with a neuro-otology specialist

The specialist will ask about your complaints of dizziness and since when you have had them, when it happens more often and what causes it, and, most importantly, about the nature of the dizziness. The doctor will also want to know about other illnesses and medicines that you take regularly. The doctor will also check your blood pressure, pulse, hearing, and eye movements, as well as the vestibular apparatus by neurophysiological techniques such as the head impulse test. Modern equipment, including an audiometer and a tympanometer, will be used for diagnostics. If necessary, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography will also be used. If the examination shows no relation to damage to the inner ear, other specialists will be involved.


Dizziness has no single cause and, therefore, no one universal method of treatment. Dizziness can be reduced in about a week to four weeks but it only eliminates the symptoms. To treat it fully, one has to be armed with patience. Depending on the illness, medicines and other types of treatment will be prescribed such as physiotherapy, including special balance exercises, exercises for the neck muscles, psychological and other help, which will vary from case to case.

The speed and effectiveness of treatment is influenced by several factors:

  • illness that has caused the dizziness;
  • timely treatment;
  • age-related specifics;
  • implementation of a rehabilitation programme.

Dizziness and quality of life

The quality of life of a person who suffers from dizziness decreases – the person is unable to drive a car, as well as exposes himself/herself to the risk of injury while moving. Relatives should not only advise such people to consult a specialist, but also make sure that they always have a mobile phone with them so that they can give notification in time if the situation worsens or an injury is sustained.

A neuro-otology specialist is the physician we advise seeing first. If the dizziness turns out to be unrelated to the vestibular system and inner ear, your doctor will refer you to another specialist. Our clinic offers a wide range of options for both the diagnostics of dizziness and effective treatment. We have both kind and knowledgeable specialists and equipment that allows us to treat, following the highest modern medical standards.

Highly qualified neuro-otology specialist in Riga, Brīvības gatve 410 – GK Neiroklīnika

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