Andrejs Kostiks
- Neurologist-algologist

- Mon. - Fri. 9:00 – 19:00
- Sat., Sun. - CLOSED
- +371 20233582
- Brīvības gatve 410
- (3. floor), Rīga
- Cognitive disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, acute neurological conditions, diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
Education and experience
After obtaining the degree of a doctor, Andrejs Kostiks has improved his knowledge and accumulated practical experience in London and a grant from the European Academy of Neurology at St. George Hospital, as well as participated in different seminars, including the Weill Cornell Neurology Seminar in Austria, etc.

Consultation of a neurologist
- 1. Imūnmodulējošās terapijas efektivitāte centrālās nervu sistēmas iekaisīgu saslimšanu gadījumos (Efficacy of Immunomodulating Therapy in Cases of Inflammatory Central Nervous System Diseases) 2. Deviņu pacientu analīze (Analysis of Nine Patients), Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact and Applied Sciences. Volume 69, Issue 5, Pages 269 – 273, ISSN (Online) 1407-009X, DOI: 10.1515/prolas-2015-0041, April 2016 3. Immune Cell Subtyping in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Neurological Diseases at Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital “Gaiļezers” Collection of Scientific Papers 2014, Rīga, 2014 4. Kognitīvi traucējumi pacientiem ar nervu sistēmas slimībām (Cognitive Disorders in Patients with Nervous System Diseases). 61st Student Scientific Conference, Riga, 2012 5., 6. Verbal presentations and reports. 7. Kognitīvās funkcijas galvas smadzeņu normālās un patoloģiskās novecošanas kontekstā (Cognitive Functions in the Context of Normal and Pathological Brain Ageing). RSU Scientific Conference, 26–27 March 2015, Riga 8. Neurosyphilis. Case report Baltic association of dermatovenerologists, 30.05–01.06.2014, Rīga 9. Cerebrālā infarkta klīniskie simptomi. Multidisciplināra veselības aprūpe insulta pacientiem mājās. (Clinical Symptoms of Cerebral Infarction. Multidisciplinary Health Care for Stroke Patient at Home.). Conference, 15 June 2013, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga 10. Neiroloģiskie sindromi kā pirmā izpausme antifosfolipīdu sindroma gadījumā. (Neurological Syndromes as the First Manifestation in the Event of Antiphospholipid Syndrome.) Latvian Society of Neuroimmunologists, 18 October 2013, Riga. 11. Kardioemboliska cerebrāla infarkta primārā profilakse. Trombolītiskas terapijas rezultāti pacientiem ar kardioembolisku cerebrālu infarktu RAKUS „Gaiļezers”. (Primary Prevention of Cardioembolic Cerebral Infarction. Results of Thrombolytic Therapy in Patients With Cardioembolic Cerebral Infarction at Clinical Centre Gaiļezers of Riga East Clinical University Hospital). 12. Summer School of Neurologists 5 July - 6 July 2013, Dikļi Palace 13. Arteriāla hipertensija kā insulta riska faktors. (Arterial Hypertension and the Risk Factor of Stroke). Stroke Day 2012, 29 October 2012, Clinical Centre Gaiļezers of Riga East Clinical University Hospital. 14. Intrakraniālu asinsvadu stenoze – cerebrāla infarkta cēlonis gados jaunam pacientam – Stenda referāts, (Stenosis of Intracranial Blood Vessels – Cause of Cerebral Infarction in Young Patients – Poster Presentation), 27 October 2012, 1st Latvian Stroke Congress, Riga.