Dr. med. Henrijs Ozoliņš


Education and experience

Dr Med. Henrijs Ozoliņš has a Doctoral degree in Medicine. The topic of the promotion paper „Kiari malformācijas operatīvo kritēriju un racionālas ķirurģiskās tehnikas izstrāde” (Development of Surgical Criteria and Rational Surgical Technique for Chiari Malformation). Having more than 28 years of experience in neurosurgery at the Clinical Centre Gaiļezers of Riga East Clinical University Hospital, neurosurgeon Dr Med. Henrijs Ozoliņš has been practising at GK Neiroklīnika for more than 5 years. He consults patients on the issues of brain and spinal cord tumours, hydrocephalus, Chiari malformations and other neurosurgery issues.


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