Sandis Sakne


Education and experience

Sandis Sakne graduated Riga Medical Institute and received the qualification of a doctor. Later he obtained a certificate in cardiology, electrocardiostimulation and invasive correction of heart rhythm disorders. Since 1989, Sandis Sakne has been an arrhythmologist at the Arrhythmology and Cardiostimulation Department of Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital. Sandis Sakne is also a lecturer on further education courses for physicians and resident physicians at the University of Latvia and Rīga Stradiņš University. He regularly attends various seminars, training courses, expert meetings and congresses, including ESC congress in Spain, Cardiostim in France and the 10th Annual Congress of the European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society in Germany, etc. “An opportunity of uniting practical work at the clinic with the learning and research process is a benefit to everyone: patients, as well as future physicians and me as a physician and lecturer.”



Consultation of an arrhythmologist



Testing and programming of pacemakers



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