Audiometry – hearing test

The hearing threshold of each ear of the person separately, as well as of both ears can be determined during the audiometry or hearing test. Radio headphones are used during clear sound audiometry in order to separately check the hearing threshold of each ear. Meanwhile the free field audiometry test is used to determine the hearing threshold of both eyes together. The results are graphically represented on the audiogram.

At GK Neiroklīnika, this examination is performed by a neurootolaryngologist or an ear, nose and throat physician specialising in neurology. The co-operation of the neurootolaryngologist with neurologists considerably relieves the examination and therapy process.

Duration of the examination

Approximately 20 minutes


No preliminary preparation is required.


The examination is non-invasive and painless.


There are no limitations.


Non-invasive method that allows one to determine the hearing threshold of a person.


The physician provides an examination report.

Diagnostic principles

Audiometry or hearing test is performed by using a special device called audiometer, which generates sounds of different strength and height. The patient is actively involved in the audiometry procedure either by saying, or pressing the button, or showing with a sign that the sound signal has been perceived. During the performance of audiometry, an audiogram is obtained, which is a graphical curve, which reflects the most silent sound that a person can hear at the respective sound frequency.

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