Miega diagnostika ar vienreiz lietojamo poligrāfu pakalpojums

Sleep diagnostics with disposable somnography method device WatchPat One 24h

Polysomnography is a diagnostic method that enables the examination of breathing disorders during sleep. This examination enables the detection of life threatening breathing disorders during sleep, for instance, obstructive sleep apnoea and central sleep apnoea, neuromuscular disorders, as well as other breathing disorders during sleep.

Duration of the examination

The examination is performed at night, while the patient is asleep.
The clinic trains the patient on how to connect the device before going to bed.


No preliminary preparation is required.


The examination is safe and painless.



There are no limitations. 


High sensitivity and specificity. The diagnostics can be performed in outpatient care.


The physician provides an examination report.

Diagnostic principles

One of the advantages of this method is the possibility of performing the examination in outpatient care.  The diagnostic device records various measurements, registers the movements of the thorax and breathing movements, air flow through the nose and/or mouth, heart rate, determines the blood oxygen saturation and detects changes in body position.

In order to perform the recording of measurements, the patient is trained to connect the device at the clinic. At home, before bedtime, the patient connects the device and it switches on automatically, performing all the required measurements while the patient sleeps. In the morning, the patient disconnects the device. After the performance of measurements, the physician analyses the obtained data and provides an opinion.

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