ECG Holter monitoring 24 - 168 h

Observation of blood pressure using the Holter method enables the physician to determine heat rate disorders, as well as changes in the trophic level of the heart muscle and causes thereof. The use of this method enables the specification of the type of arrhythmia, the frequency of rhythm disorder episodes and the duration thereof.

It is used in young patients, who complain of periods of quick heart rate, as well as athletes or elderly patients with a history of heart diseases.

This examination is also performed, if the patient has vertigo, slow pulse, flickers in front of their eyes, morning weakness or pronounced fatigue during the day, fainting, periodic or constant pain in the region of the heart, dyspnoea, palpitations during physical work or emotional stress.

Duration of the examination

The installation of the device and informing of the patients lasts for approximately 30 min. The measurements are made for 24 – 168 hours. The specialist determines the duration of recording individually.


No preparation is required prior to the examination.


The examination is non-invasive and painless.


There are no limitations.

Advantages of the method

This method is comfortable for the patients, painless and poses absolutely no harm to health.


The physician analyses the obtained data to determine heart rhythm disorders, changes in the trophic level of the heart muscle and causes thereof.

ECG Holter monitoring – Basic principles of examination

Holter monitoring is a 24 to 168-hour long recording of an electrocardiogram.
The duration of the examination is determined by the physician. Disposable electrodes are placed on the thorax of the patient. A small reading device – cardiac recorder, is connected to them. The recorder is usually attached to the belt (or elsewhere). The cardiac recorder is tiny and light. It can be conveniently hidden under clothing and is invisible. The patient continues their habitual life, without changing their daily routine and workload.

We recommend keeping a diary during the examination, where the patient records their well-being, registers complaints that occur during examination, their actions, and medicinal products used. After the determined period of monitoring, the device is removed and the physician performs a detailed analysis of the ECG recording.

The cases where electrocardiogram recording, using the Holter monitoring method, is used

This examination is most commonly performed in order to:

  • analyse the subjective complaints of the patient, which could be related to heart rhythm disorders
  • to make a decision on the type of heart rhythm disorder and methods of treatment thereof
  • to specify and observe the therapy tactics for patients with severe cardiac disorders
  • to exclude cardiac diseases that cause subjective discomfort to patients and are caused by diseases of other organ systems
  • to screen the representatives of high-risk professions (pilots, firefighters, professional drivers, etc.)
  • to test professional athletes – their tolerance during high loads, etc.

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