Head impulse test examination

Head impulse test video examination is the only examination method in the Baltic states that enables differentiation of the type of vertigo.

This method is a fast, precise and simple way of detecting whether the vertigo or problems of the patient associated with vertigo are neurological in origin (stroke, tumour, etc.), or related to middle ear pathology.

At GK Neiroklīnika, this examination is performed by a neurootolaryngologist or an ear, nose and throat physician specialising in neurology. The co-operation of the neurootolaryngologist with neurologists considerably relieves the examination and therapy process.

Duration of the examination

Approximately 20 minutes


No preliminary preparation is required.


The examination is non-invasive, harmless and painless, but may feel unpleasant.


There are no limitations.


This method enables simple, fast and precise detection of the cause of vertigo in order to commence therapy.


The physician shall draw up their opinion, determine the therapy method and/or prescribe further examinations.


Diagnostic principles

The examination objectively evaluates vestibular ocular reflex, respectively, confirming or excluding the deficiency of the vestibular system (inner ear).

At the beginning of the examination, the patient is asked to wear special glasses that register eye movement. The neurologist performs manipulations with the head of the patient by turning it, initiating nod-like or sideways movement of the head, etc. Based on the information registered by the device, the type of vertigo can be determined and appropriate therapy may be prescribed.


Vertigo is one of the most common complaints when visiting a neurologist. To prescribe the most effective therapy for your vertigo, the neurologist needs to diagnose the impaired structure that causes vertigo.

The most recent research bears evidence that up to 70% of vertigo cases are caused by inner ear pathology. The remaining 30% can be associated with neurological, cardiovascular and other diseases.

Correct diagnosis saves on the costs of examinations, which are, probably, not required, as well as points to the most effective therapy tactics. Medicinal therapy may prove to be unnecessary and vestibular exercise prescribed by a neurologist or educating the patient on what must be known and taken into consideration to feel well may prove to be sufficient.

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