Quantitative sensory testing

This method enables one to diagnose the impairments of small nerve fibres of the hands and legs and to assess the efficacy of the used therapy. Early diagnosis of impairments of small nerve fibres also enables early commencement of treatment of the underlying disease. The method is used to objectively prove clinical manifestations of sensory (feeling) disorders, as well as to differentiate sensory disorders of various level and chronic neuropathic pain.

Duration of the examination

Approximately 30 minutes


No preliminary preparation is required.


The examination is non-invasive and painless.


There are no limitations.


The method enables the early detection of hand and foot nerve impairments and the assessment of the efficacy of the used therapy.


The physician shall prepare the report within two business days.

Diagnostic principles

Quantitative sensory testing (QST) is a method used to assess the impairment of small peripheral nerve fibres (A-delta, C) of the arms and legs, which is diagnosed by using thermal stimulation. The hands and legs of the patient are stimulated with heat or cold. When the patient feels it, they inform the specialist about it. The entire process of examination is registered and analysed afterwards.

The method is used for diagnosis of the following diseases:

  • early diabetic neuropathy;
  • neuropathy caused by malignant diseases;
  • painful neuropathy;
  • other neuropathies of small fibres;
  • toxic neuropathy;
  • diagnostics of neuropathic pain;
  • assessment of the efficacy of neuropathic pain therapy.

The nerves of human arms and legs are different in diameter – they are thinner and thicker. The nerves of smaller diameter that serve to ensure sensory function are called small nerve fibres. The nerves of the arms and legs can be impaired by different diseases. The most frequent causes include diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, oncological diseases, thyroid gland diseases, etc.

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