
Tympanometry is an examination that helps in detecting disorders caused by a disease in the middle ear, the detection of which by using classical ENT tools is difficult or even impossible. This method enables determining of the pressure in the tympanic cavity and eardrums, as well as the mobility of the ossicles. Tympanometry enables the detection of, for instance, middle ear inflammation, otosclerosis, fluid and adhesions in the tympanic cavity, etc.


At GK Neiroklīnika, this examination is performed by a neurootolaryngologist or an ear, nose and throat physician specialising in neurology. The co-operation of the neurootolaryngologist with neurologists considerably relieves the examination and therapy process.

Duration of the examination

Approximately 5-10 minutes


No preliminary preparation is required.


The examination is non-invasive and painless.


There are no limitations.


Helps in detecting disorders caused by a disease in the middle ear, the detection of which by using classical ENT tools is difficult or even impossible.


The physician provides an examination report.

Diagnostic principles

Tympanometer is a small device that displays an on-screen curve during the examination. The curve represents the response of the eardrum to pressure. The examination is performed by tightly placing the device that resembles earphones used for listening to music into the ear canal, through which the measurement is performed. The examination may be performed on adults, as well as on children.

For the health of your ears

If you have the slightest suspicion that your hearing is deteriorating, if you develop regular or severe pain in your ears or around the ears, apply for a consultation of a specialist, who will perform an initial examination and refer you for further examinations.

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