Ultrasound examination of peripheral nerves

The use of higher resolution equipment during ultrasound examination enables the detection of nerve impairment, its level and cause. One of the main advantages of the method is the ability of the specialist to constantly communicate with the patient by asking them, for instance, to bend their fingers or to bend their hand at the wrist joint, which helps to make a precise evaluation of the nerve risk positions, where the nerves are most commonly irritated – compressed or stretched. The other important advantage of the method – the physician can place the probe on the most painful site that the patient indicates to perform a precise examination of the area of the nerve impairment

Examination can be accompanied with a consultation in order to provide recommendations on further therapy tactics.

Duration of the examination

Approximately 30-50 minutes.
A possibility of receiving a consultation together with the examination.


None required.


The examination is painless.


There are no limitations. The examination may be performed on children, as well as on pregnant women.


A possibility of determining a high precision diagnosis.


Opinion of the physician immediately after the performance of the examination.


Diagnostic principles

Not only is the nerve structure assessed during the examination, but also the mutual relations with the surrounding tissues – muscles and ligaments. The examination is most commonly performed in the event of leg and arm nerve diseases, traumatic injuries, as well as in order to assess the status of nerves after surgeries or medication therapy.

The physician slides the probe over the injured area during the examination. The obtained information is recorded and displayed on the screen of the ultrasound device in order to provide the opinion.

Service specialists

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