Colour-coded ultrasound of the blood vessels of the head and neck

GK Neiroklīnika offers examinations of blood vessels of the head and neck by using an internationally recognised and modern method – duplex scanning or Doppler ultrasonography (DUPLEX), which is three-dimensional colour-coded ultrasound scanning. The examination is performed by a highly qualified neurologists. A consultation of a neurologist may be received together with the examination.

Duration of the examination

Approximately 30 minutes


No preliminary preparation is required.


The examination is non-invasive and painless.


There are no limitations. Selection of comfortable clothing is recommended.


A modern device and the use of the method ensures high resolution and precision.


The physician provides an examination report. A consultation of a neurologist may be received together with the examination.


Diagnostic principles

Dopplerography or ultrasonography is an ultrasound examination of the blood vessels, where the ultrasound device is used to obtain images of blood vessels, to register the direction and velocity of the blood stream. The examination enables one to determine the changes that have occurred in the blood vessels and assess the therapy results of the patient. This method enables the physician to examine the blood vessels of the head and neck by precisely determining circulation disorders and the degree thereof.

The probe is moved along the surface of the skin in order to examine the respective organ. A special gel is applied on the skin to improve the transmission of ultrasound through tissue.

The equipment not only shows the anatomical images of the examined structures, but also registers the direction and velocity of blood flow, which allows one to draw conclusions on the changes in the blood vessels caused by diseases and the functional condition of the blood vessels.

Ultrasound examinations are recommended in the event of the following complaints:

  • headaches;
  • vertigo;
  • noises in the head or ears;
  • fluctuations of blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • fainting;
  • as well as in patients, who have had a stroke;
  • head and neck trauma;
  • in patients, who suffer from spondylosis of the cervical spine;
  • in the event of elevated blood cholesterol level;
  • if atherosclerosis or metabolic disorders are suspected.

Ultrasound of blood vessels of the head and neck

Colour-coded ultrasound of the blood vessels of the head and neck with a dopplerograph is a non-invasive and painless method to assess the condition of blood vessels, for instance, detect various congenital developmental characteristics (small diameter of blood vessels, curves and loops of blood vessels, additional branches of blood vessels) and blood vessel changes acquired during life (thickening of arterial wall, atherosclerotic plaque, atherosclerotic blood vessel constrictions or blocking of blood vessels).

The aforementioned acquired changes increase the probability of a stroke, therefore early diagnosis and treatment thereof is important (under the supervision of a cardiologist, neurologist, general practitioner or vascular surgeon).

It is important to understand that comprehensive evaluation of brain circulation requires an examination of blood vessels of the head, as well as neck. Significant changes are frequently found in the blood vessels of the neck, which further on branch to ensure the blood supply to the brain.

The changes detected during the examination may require further, more detailed examinations by using so-called angiography methods (CTA, MRA, DSA). Contrast agents and X-Ray radiation or magnetic fields are used to conduct these examinations.

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