The ultrasound examination (USG) is a painless and quick visual diagnostic examination that helps in evaluating the structure of abdominal soft tissue. USG is a harmless examination, since it uses ultrasound — a high-frequency sound waves, which is why USG may be performed on pregnant women as well.
USG provides an informative presentation of the size, shape, condition and functions of an abdominal organ. The ultrasound examination is performed with the top class diagnostic USG device, which ensures the opportunities of precise and high-quality diagnostics.
USG sniedz informatīvu ainu par vēdera dobuma orgāna lielumu, formu, stāvokli un darbību. Ultrasonogrāfisko izmeklējumu veic ar augstākās klases USG diagnostikas iekārtu, kas nodrošina precīzas un augstvērtīgas diagnostikas iespējas.