Ultrasonography for thyroid gland - prices

Ultrasonography for thyroid gland 60,00 EUR

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

Ultrasound (USG) of the thyroid gland is a painless and quick visual diagnostic examination, which enables the evaluation of the size, volume, shapes, as well as structure ad circulation of the thyroid gland.

The USG examination of the thyroid gland is harmless. The test is conducted by using high frequency sound waves, therefore it may be performed on pregnant women as well. We perform the examination with the top class diagnostic USG device, which ensures the opportunities for precise and high-quality diagnostics.

Duration of the examination

Approximately 20 minutes


No preliminary preparation is required.


The examination is non-invasive and painless.


There are no limitations. The examination may be performed on pregnant women as well.


Top class diagnostic USG device, which ensures the opportunities for precise and high-quality diagnostics.


The physician provides an examination report.

Procedure of the examination

Depending on the examined area, the specialist will provide instructions on how the patient should lie down and what clothes need to be removed. A special jelly is applied on the skin, which enables the transmission of ultrasound waves in the tissues. A detector — a tool that irradiates ultrasound and detects the ultrasound reflected from the tissues, is moved across the skin. The physician can ask the patient to inhale and hold the breath for a short moment, as well as to change their body position.

The USG examination of the thyroid gland permits one to diagnose:

  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • nodes of the thyroid gland;
  • chronic or acute inflammation;
  • various lesions.

Changes and functional disorders of the thyroid gland can cause different health problems. The most common ones are:

  • Metabolic disorders;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Heart rhythm disorders;
  • Weight loss/gain;
  • Menstrual cycle disorders, etc.

The physician refers to the USG examination of the thyroid gland, if:

  • the patient has visible or palpable enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • nodes are sensed during the palpation of the thyroid gland;
  • the patient complains of pressing, unpleasant sensations or pain in the neck;
  • there are changes in thyroid laboratory test results;
  • the patient has chronic diseases — in this case, the ultrasound is performed at least once per year, on the basis of the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • it is also recommended as a screening method for the patients that do not have any specific complaints and/or sudden changes in thyroid laboratory test results, since, even in such cases, thyroid nodes can be discovered during the USG examination.

For your information

Thyroid gland is one of the internal secretion glands. It is located at the front side of the neck. Usually, its shape is compared with a butterfly. The thyroid gland regulates metabolic processes, produces hormones. The diagnostics of thyroid diseases usually starts with blood tests, which reveal the functional condition of the thyroid gland, and USG, which allow one to evaluate, whether there are structural changes.

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