Prevention of vascular diseases
The office for the prevention of vascular diseases offers a comprehensive examination of the blood vessels of the head and neck. The clinic will provide consultations of neurologists, ultrasound examinations of the blood vessels of the head and neck, echocardiography examinations and blood tests. We perform diagnostics by using modern specialised equipment, it is harmless and painless.
There are several factors that increase the risk of developing a stroke or a myocardial infarction: various diseases, for instance, elevated blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and cardiac arrhythmia, as well as unhealthy lifestyle and hazardous factors – smoking, alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and increased level of cholesterol. Factors that cannot be affected and are associated with being inherited in the family are also important.
Symptoms may often be non-specific prior to the disease, for instance, headaches, vertigo, seizures of unconsciousness and transitory fatigue or sensation of tingling in the joints, therefore it is very important to perform the prevention of vascular diseases promptly, thus reducing the risk of getting a stroke or a myocardial infarction.
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Consent form for examinations and procedures
Consent of a patient or a person exercising guardianship over the patient is required to perform certain types of examinations or procedures.
Therapy of vestibular vertigo and exercises used for training vestibular apparatus
Exercises for therapy of vertigo: exercises in a seated, standing and lying position, exercises for the eyes, etc. The basic prerequisite for the therapy of vestibular vertigo is the therapy of the disease that causes vertigo and the correction of pathogenetic mechanisms.
Prevention of vascular diseases
The office for the prevention of vascular diseases offers a comprehensive examination of the blood vessels of the head and neck. The clinic will provide consultations of neurologists, ultrasound examinations of the blood vessels of the head and neck, echocardiography examinations and blood tests. We perform diagnostics by using modern specialised equipment, it is harmless and painless.
Diagnostics by using one time use polysomnography method device WatcPAT ONE (instruction)
Useful Useful Topics Choose…Sleep disordersHeadaches Epilepsy and syncopeVertigoStrokeAutoimmune diseasesMemory disordersHeart rhythm diseases Other information Choose…Examination consent forms Diseases Choose…Alzheimer’s diseaseArrhythmiaAtherosclerosisBenign paroxysmal positional vertigoDementiaEpilepsyFaintingHypersomniaInsomniaInsomnia Meniere’s diseaseMigraineSomnambulismStrokeTension-type
First Seizure
First seizure – unconsciousness, epileptic seizure, etc. – can cause severe panic to the patient themselves, as well as their relatives, therefore GK Neiroklīnika has organised the possibility of receiving a consultation after the first seizure. The objective of this consultation is to find out the conditions, feelings, expectations of events, etc., with the purpose of performing further examinations and determining the cause of the seizure, as well as finding appropriate solutions for the future. The consultation lasts for approximately 30 minutes. No special preparation for the consultation is required.