Testing of vegetative a.k.a. autonomous nervous system

Autonomous/vegetative nervous system is a crucial part of central and peripheric nervous system, which ensures that internal organs function despite changing internal and external circumstances. It regulates the reactions of your body, preparing the body for physical activity or stress situations, mobilizing organ systems (increasing blood pressure, increasing heart rate and breathing, enhancing sweating etc.). When a person is resting, it relaxes the body, allowing to regain energy (heartbeat becomes slower, blood pressure normalizes etc.

So, autonomous nervous system regulates heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, sweating, digestion, pupil reaction, endocrine organs, urination/defecation and sexual functions. Autonomous nervous system is divided into sympatic and parasympatic nervous systems. It functions autonomously and is not subject to human will; however, partly it is affected by central nervous system (brain).

Healthy functioning of autonomous nervous system is very important for you to feel well. Evaluation of its functions is very important in case of different health problems.
If you experience the following symptoms – palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, blurry vision, flushing or turning pale, anxiety, fatigue, headache, instability, dizziness, dryness of mouth or eyes, excessive salivation, frequent diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems, weight loss, abdominal pain, urinating or sexual dysfunction, which can not be explained by other diseases, check the condition of autonomous nervous system.

Most common diseases, in case of which functioning of autonomous nervous system is hindered:

– Diabetes,
– Liver diseases,
– Autoimmune or oncologic diseases.

These symptoms are also common to people with metabolic problems. It’s important to test the nervous system, so that the necessary treatment can be started early, enhancing the quality of your life and the prognosis of the illness.

In GK Neiroklinika it is possible to examine autonomous nervous system with modern equipment. Testing is easy and painless, it is not invasive and usually lasts around 20-30 minutes. After performing it, it’s possible to ascertain the condition of sympatic and parasympatic nervous system.
In separate cases an additional doctor’s consultation is needed as well as a more detalized evaluation of autonomous nervous system.
A little preparation is needed before the examination.
The examination lasts 30-40 minutes.

Preparation of patient before examination of autonomous nervous system:

1. Do not smoke 4 hours prior to examination.
2. Do not use alcohol nor coffee at least 12 hours prior to examination.
3. Do not use painkillers on the day of examination.
4. Do not use acetaminophen (paracetamol) at least 72 hours prior to examination.
5. Do not use anticholinergic, sympathomimetic and sympatholytic medication, diuretics, fluodrocortisone at least 48 hours prior to examination (it is possible to clarify with the doctor).
6. People with proliferative retinopathy must not undergo this examination.
7. Avoid strenuous exercise at least 24 hours prior to examination.
8. Do not eat at least 2 hours before the examination.
9. Examination of diabetes’ patients is made at least 2 hours after an insuline injection with short time effect.

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