Quantitative sensory testing

Quantitative sensory testing (QST) is the method, used to evaluate damage to arm and leg peripheral nervous fine fibers (A-delta, C), diagnosed, using temperature stimulants.

Human arm and leg nerves are of different – larger and smaller diameters. Nerves with smallest diameter, which provide sensory functions, are called fine fibers. Various diseases can arm and leg nerve damage. The most common causes are diabetes, infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, oncological diseases, thyroid diseases, etc.

Why this method is needed?

QST method is applied to demonstrate manifestations of sensory (feeling) disfunction, as well to differentiate levels of various sensory disturbances and chronic neuropathic pain.
Using this method, it is possible to diagnose damage caused to arm and leg nerve fine fibers and to evaluate effectiveness of treatment. Diagnosis of damage to nerve fibers at early stage enables timely treatment of underlying disease.

This method is applied to diagnose following diseases:

– early diabetic neuropathy;
– malignant disease induced neuropathy;
– painful neuropathy;
– other fine fiber neuropathy;
– toxic neuropathy;
– neuropathic pain;
– evaluation of neuropathic pain treatment effectiveness.

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